25 June 2024

Tech Talks Amstelveen: Acolad Gets Hands-On with AI

Amstelveen came alive with Acolad's Tech Talks event, bringing together industry leaders and tech enthusiasts to explore the future of AI in business. From hands-on workshops to insightful talks, the event offered a deep dive into AI-driven innovations and networking opportunities.

Last Thursday, June 20th, Acolad kicked off the Tech Talks event, bringing together tech enthusiasts, industry leaders, and curious minds. It wasn’t just another tech event – it was a day of immersive experiences, insightful talks, and a peek into the future of Acolad’s AI revolution.

Diving into AI: The Main Event

Bertrand Gstalder shared some business insights after the opening by Nancy Hähnel, in which provided a compelling overview of how Acolad is integrating AI into business processes. “AI is everywhere but more realistic. The industry is moving from questions to solutions. Our goal is to create more value and a service with high quality and reliability. We are a global superagency enabling global footprints and a wide array of services. However, our DNA is to act "locally". Our teams and operations are locally driven. As a service company we believe in combining human skills and tech smartly”, he said, setting the stage for the day's activities. Nancy Hähnel then launched the Tech Talks tour, guiding attendees through various tech stations, each offering a unique insight into AI and its applications:

  1. Accelerating AI Machine Translation: Maria Olabe discussed how AI is revolutionizing traditional translation processes, making them faster and more accurate.
  2. Live Captioning and AI Interpreting: Giulia Silvestrini and Edris Mehrbaz showcased cutting-edge advancements in live captioning and interpreting, highlighting the practical uses of AI in real-time communication.
  3. Acolad Live Developments: Michael Hoogendorp and Dea Rugova introduced Acolad Live’s new features, including the exciting ‘In-app calling’ function, showing the future of seamless communication within the platform.
  4. Be a Simultaneous Interpreter for a Day: Roy and Glenn from Jacot gave attendees a hands-on experience with simultaneous interpreting technology, comparing human and AI capabilities.
  5. GPT Prompting: Michel Vos delved into the world of GPT and its potential to transform how we interact with AI for various applications.

Tech Talks’ Key Players

The Acolad team was present in full force, representing our diverse expertise and roles. Leading the charge was Nancy Hähnel, the General Manager of the Netherlands team, alongside Florence Van Zadel, Coordinator Planning B2B, and our dynamic sales team: Jelle Pastijn, Attila Görög, Leo Kok, Olivier Falk-Ronne, and Edris Mehrbaz. CEO Bertrand Gstalder and Sylvie Versteylen, EVP Europe, attended the event and shared some key insights.

A Full House of Tech Enthusiasts

With around 40 attendees, the event saw a healthy mix of guests from different business sectors. The public sector had a strong presence, with representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Dutch Police, Public Ministry, and the Ministry of Defense. There were also attendees from companies like HEMA, ABN AMRO Bank, War Child, Rituals, and more. This blend of existing clients and prospects created a vibrant atmosphere perfect for networking and learning.

What makes Teck Talks special?

The event was more than just a showcase of Acolad’s technology; it was an opportunity to engage, learn, and envision the future of AI in business. Attendees left with a clearer understanding of how AI can be integrated into their workflows, thanks to the hands-on experiences and expert-led discussions.

Networking was a key part of the event, allowing new connections to form and existing ones to strengthen. Attendees appreciated the opportunity to discuss tailored solutions directly with Acolad’s team, ensuring their specific needs and questions were addressed.

A Word from the Participants

Koen Hooftman, part of the global marketing team, summed up the experience perfectly:

"What I enjoyed about the event is that it was a very immersive and interactive experience. Being in smaller groups made it easier to talk with the speakers. The various topics ensure your luggage is being filled with new takeaways and learnings. It was also unique to try out the interpreting setup where we could compare a real interpreter vs an AI interpreter. The workshops were all touching on AI. So, visitors get a good or better understanding of what AI technologies mean to us today and in which situations to apply them. Also, I appreciated the various international Acolad speakers who were real subject matter experts."

Michel Vos showed you a natural talent by putting himself in the shoes of an interpreter. He had to deal with the speaker's accent and different speeds, which added complexity. “. ...en dat valt nog niet mee!“

Daniëlle Kuijpers - An interesting, educational, exciting and certainly successful day!

Tech Talks Amstelveen was a resounding success, leaving attendees inspired and informed about the future of AI. As we continue to innovate and integrate AI into our services, events like these highlight Acolad’s commitment to leading the charge in technological advancements.

Ready to dive deep into AI?

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